Friday, March 6, 2009

Duties of a Director vs. Duties of a Teacher

Duties of a Director-

1. Directors should have a broad overview of the entire scope of their program.
2. Directrs should understand how decisions in one part of the program may impact other parts.
3. Directors will make decisions that may be unpopular with others who consider only their own point of view.
4. Directors will work whatever hours are necessary to get the job done.
5. Directors will have in mind the long-term goals of their program.
6. Directors will create an enviroment where all feel respected and appreciated.
7. Directors will stay up to date on new ideas and information relating to child care.
8. Directors will be aware of the strengths of their program and areas that need to be improved.
9. Directors will direct others on the staff so they are helped to do their work effectively.

Duties of a Teacher-

1. The teacher will be in charge of the daily teachings in the classroom.
2. The teacher will be in charge of working with the children on a daily basis.
3. The teacher will be in charge of organizing the classroom.
4. The teacher will be in charge of communicating with the parents in regard to their child.


  1. Thanks for pointing out some of the duties that a director has that didn't cross my mind.

  2. Sounds good you pin pointed something I think I forgot to mention. Which is that teachers job is to organize the classroom. Yeah at least I dont thik I put it in those words. I'm pretty sure I found that fact. So good job, and keep up the good work!

  3. Good, The teacher job is to organize the classroom and the director is to organize everything that goes on in the center. You even mention something that the teacher does that i have to start doing at work more often.
