Friday, February 20, 2009

Childhood Memory

I remember when I was in the third grade I had a lady teacher named Ms. Campbell who was the neice of the late Mayor Tom Bradley. I was having trouble with my timetables. At first she used to call on me all of the time to come up to the board and work a problem and I never would want to go. I was using my fingers to count and did not know how to add right off hand so, I didn't want to go to the board and have my classmates see me counting on my fingers for I was a very popular kid. She had me stay in the class one day during recess and gave me a couple of multiplication tests and I guess she saw me counting on my fingers so from there on she told me to stay in the class during recess and lunch. After we ate our snack or lunch she would help me to learn to add without using my fingers and with my timetables. I was so happy and proud after that to go up to the board to work a problem. She did not tell anyone about my problem she was nice and caring and patient with me. She made me want to really learn.


  1. I think your teacher was very wise in choosing to make you stay after snack and lunch to learn how to count. She did it in a way where she did not embarass you, but she wanted to make sure you learned the right way and look how it made you feel once you went up to the board and didn't have to use your fingers. That was a wonderful story.

  2. I think that your teacher was wonderful for that to push you to learn how to count. Because now some teacher do not care if you learn or not. I wish I had a teacher like that to push me to read.
