Friday, March 13, 2009

Core Values

1. Honesty- I am a strong believer in honesty. It is the foundation to everything without it everything seems to crumble. People take you more seriously if you are a honest person even if it is something they don't want to hear. Most people smell bull a mile away.

2. Compassion- I try to show and have compassion. If you have compassion you are more determined to do things. The work that you do will show your compassion, without compassion in the things that you do it will seem effortless. Having compassion allows me to be open minded about things it gives me perspective of the things that are going on around me. It gives me a sense of hope, a desire to conquer everything.

3. Respect- You have to have respect for yourself. If you don't have respect how can you want it from others. In having respect for yourself you have to be able to give it to others as well. Respect goes along with being honest and having compassion. When you have respect for yourself you form a boundary between right and wrong. You lead your life toward what is right and away from what is wrong.


  1. i too am a strong believer of honesty. honesty is the base that holds up everything in life. without out honesty everyone would keep to themselves and everyone would lack communication.Respect is also a good value to have showing others that you can respect them and their different background installes a certain trust in you. Great topics i love the way you toch each one.

  2. You have chosen three excellent core values. What make them so beneficial to a Early childhood program is the must be a mutual respect between the director, staff, and families. Compassion is needed when situations arise that could compromise the overall development of the child. Honesty is critical to the success of any type of business.

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  4. I see that we have similar core values.. i too believe that respect, and honesty are very important.They will have a great impact in a childhood program.Those values make who you are as a person and you want to give that to the families you serve.

  5. Hi Tonya,

    I find it interesting that we selected the same three core values. I think yours are a bit more expressive helped me to see some additonal value.
