Friday, March 27, 2009

Supervision Assessment

1. What are your strengths that are most helpful to staff (teachers)?

The strengths that I have that are most helpful to staff are empathy, compassion, equality, and kindness. I believe in equality for all and am a strong advocate for it. No one should be treated differently. As a manager I know that there can be no favorites if the teachers are all qualified the same they should have the same duties if they so desire them. I would take the time to listen and emphasis with the staff for what I may think is no big deal may be a big deal to the staff. Having empathy with the staff lets them know that I listen to them and they are being heard. Sometimes all someone wants you to do is listen to them and allow their voice or opinion to be heard. Showing kindness to the staff builds up staff morale no one wants to work for someone who is mean to them. I try to treat others as I would want to be treated. By showing my compassion for the job that I do is a great boost to others they see that they are not alone in the efforts to do their job. You work best when you are working at a job that you love rather than somewhere you do not like.

2. What additional skills would you like to gain?

I would like to gain courage and more confidence. I have courage but I do not feel that I have enough to be a strong leader. I often second guess myself thinking that what I do is not good enough when it is or, I don't follow through because I am afraid of failure. When if I don't try I would never know if it is a sucess or a failure. Therefore I need to have more confidence in myself for how can I ask my staff or the children I work with to have confidence and I don't have it myself. Staff need confience to know that they are being lead by a strong confident person if not some will walk all over you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Core Values

1. Honesty- I am a strong believer in honesty. It is the foundation to everything without it everything seems to crumble. People take you more seriously if you are a honest person even if it is something they don't want to hear. Most people smell bull a mile away.

2. Compassion- I try to show and have compassion. If you have compassion you are more determined to do things. The work that you do will show your compassion, without compassion in the things that you do it will seem effortless. Having compassion allows me to be open minded about things it gives me perspective of the things that are going on around me. It gives me a sense of hope, a desire to conquer everything.

3. Respect- You have to have respect for yourself. If you don't have respect how can you want it from others. In having respect for yourself you have to be able to give it to others as well. Respect goes along with being honest and having compassion. When you have respect for yourself you form a boundary between right and wrong. You lead your life toward what is right and away from what is wrong.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Duties of a Director vs. Duties of a Teacher

Duties of a Director-

1. Directors should have a broad overview of the entire scope of their program.
2. Directrs should understand how decisions in one part of the program may impact other parts.
3. Directors will make decisions that may be unpopular with others who consider only their own point of view.
4. Directors will work whatever hours are necessary to get the job done.
5. Directors will have in mind the long-term goals of their program.
6. Directors will create an enviroment where all feel respected and appreciated.
7. Directors will stay up to date on new ideas and information relating to child care.
8. Directors will be aware of the strengths of their program and areas that need to be improved.
9. Directors will direct others on the staff so they are helped to do their work effectively.

Duties of a Teacher-

1. The teacher will be in charge of the daily teachings in the classroom.
2. The teacher will be in charge of working with the children on a daily basis.
3. The teacher will be in charge of organizing the classroom.
4. The teacher will be in charge of communicating with the parents in regard to their child.