Thursday, April 30, 2009

Middle Childhood Play Memories

I really enjoyed my middle childhood it, was a time of my life where I was on top of the world. I enjoyed recess and lunch time. I was a very atheltic child. My favorite playground activities were tetherball, handball, basketball, track, and badgamon. I was a tomboy and I loved playing and competing with the boys. My mother hated that I was very athletic. She would make me wear dresses thinking that they would keep me from running around and playing. She would get so mad when I came home with my dress dirty or ripped and my hair a mess she would ask what happened and I would just say I don't know. Finally she got the message that I was not going to change so she stopped making me wear dresses. I was in love with basketball and my favorite team was the Lakers. I went to Laker games reguarly and I wanted to be the next Magic Johnson. I enjoyed playing with my friends and most of them were boys. I wish that I could go back to those days for they were really fun.

The interests that I had as a child such as basketball and track I still have a passion for. I played basketball up untill high school when I had an injury to my knee and ankle. I could have still played but they did not have the WNBA back then if they did I probably would have tried out for it. I still play now with my sons and I am still a fan of the NBA except my favortie team is the Boston Celtics. I still love track and I enjoy watching my children participate in track. I am still a big sports fan I enjoy watching football, basketball and track. The only sport I participate in now is swimming and walking. I wish that I could have played for the WNBA but I guess I have to settle for watching it.


  1. I remember I use to love playing tether ball. I am from Philadelphia and I moved here when I was nine and that is when I first learned about that game. I would sometimes spend all recess playing tether ball. The only thing better to me at that time was double dutch!

  2. Tonya,

    It sounds like we used to enjoy some of the same activities. I loved to play handball and tetherball. I was pretty good at badgamon as well. Although I was never good at playing basketball I still love to watch it.
